
Chad Dundas Smith

Full Stack Developer | AWS Certified
Currently: Calgary, Canada

About Me

Hey, I'm Chad. I'm a software developer with experience in technology consulting. I love the outdoors and experiencing what life has to offer. I'm motivated by finding creative solutions to real world problems. I have dual citizenship belonging to Canada and the United States.


Xerris Inc

Full Stack Developer, 2021 - Present

...see projects in Career

The Solution Stack

Full Stack Developer, 2019 - 2021

...see projects in Career



AWS Certified Developer Associate

...see certificate


JavaScript (ES6+), TypeScript, React, C#, Python, SQL


React, Node.js, Django, MVC, AWS, AWS CDK, CircleCI, Axios.js

Databases and Query Tools

MySQL Stack, GraphQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, LINQ

Copyright © 2022 Chad Dundas Smith and Creative Tim